To apply to discharge domestic waste via tanker to our Water Recycling Centres, please complete this form. This form will be assessed against our obligations and operational constraints and we will respond to your application on that basis.
  • Name and job title of Principal Contact
  • An email address
  • Documents: Risk assessment, Public Liability Insurance certificate, Environment agency registered waste carrier licence, copy of V5 registration document for all vehicles listed in the application, Briefing records for AWS Health and safety induction pack
  • Licence duration
  • List of preferred disposal sites and estimated import volumes
  • List of vehicles requiring access to Anglian Water sites for discharging domestic waste
  • Details of the employees / drivers covered by licence
  • Applicant security requirement

All fields marked with (*) are mandatory

01 - Applicant information
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Details of applicant to which the application relates

Registered address

This may be a private address in the case of a sole trader or partnership.

Contact details

Renewal applications must be made no later than 1st March for the following licence year (being 1st April to 31st March)

Please complete the checklist, and upload the following documentation:

Note: PDF and Doc formats are allowed. Max size 2MB per each

Select file
Select file
Select file
Select file
Select file

Please confirm whether you will or are likely to discharge chemical toilet (“blue loo”) waste as part of discharging waste at any AWS sites under this application / licence:

Please list your preferred disposal sites and estimated import volumes:

Please note that Anglian Water may not be able to meet these requirements. This will be confirmed as part of the assessment of your application once submitted and will be confirmed in writing. Availability of sites will depend upon site capacity and operational and/or regulatory requirements

Select site/location of water recycling centre Town / City Postcode Access Recording method Is chemical toilet waste accepted ?

Please list all vehicles requiring access to Anglian Water sites for discharging domestic waste:

The vehicle information is required to check / issue weighbridge logger cards to allow discharge.

Vehicle registration Unladen weight (kg) Laden weight (kg) Vehicle capacity (cubic metres)
Delete vehicle

(Vehicles shall be duly registered to the Applicant who has a valid waste carrier licence under the Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989, and the Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations 1991, as amended)


Note: JPEG and PNG formats are allowed. Max size 500 KB each. Please name the file as the name of the person in the photograph.

Select file

(*ID will not be required where the individual has already been issued with valid ID under a previous licence application and is still valid)


The following terms shall apply to the Licencee where a Licence is granted following the application made herein, and shall apply for the duration of the Licence (and thereafter where the context so requires).

Consideration of application

  1. Upon receipt of the application by Anglian Water Services Limited (“AWS”), AWS shall review the application.
  2. The applicant will be notified in writing whether the application is approved or rejected.
  3. Where an application is rejected, the applicant will be notified in writing of the reasons for such rejection, and the applicant may re-submit their application at any time where they can overcome the reasons for such rejection.
  4. Where the application is approved, AWS shall issue a formal licence confirming the disposal sites and maximum volume of Domestic Waste that may be discharged, together with any other conditions (such as required security) as may be applicable.
  1. AWS will carry out a credit check on either (a) all new applicants who have not previously / recently held a Licence with AWS; and / or (b) where the total value of the services to be provided by AWS during the Licence term exceed £20,000; and / or (c) where the applicant has previously defaulted in paying sums due to AWS.
  2. In the event that the credit check / report states that the applicant has a low credit rating / score (i.e. below “normal”), then the Licencee acknowledges that AWS is entitled to request financial security which (at the applicant’s option) shall either be:
    1. An advance payment / security deposit equivalent to 4 months charges based upon the maximum discharge volume per month set out in Section B, in the event that the Licence was granted (“Deposit Sum”); or
    2. A parent company guarantee in the form specified by AWS, and from a parent company whose credit rating is acceptable to AWS taking into account the credit risk of the applicant.
    (known as “Security”)
  3. Where the application has been approved subject to the receipt of any Security being provided (i.e. cleared funds (where relevant) and or signed separate agreement), then (a) the Licence will not become valid and / or operational and or (b) and the Licencee shall not be entitled to discharge any Domestic Waste at AWS sites until such Security (in the required form) has been provided by the applicant. Such Security must be provided within 28 days of being notified of the outcome of the application by AWS. If such Security is not provided within this time, the applicant will be required to submit a new application if they still wish to use AWS’s sites for the discharge of Domestic Waste.
  4. Where a Licencee currently provides Security to AWS, the requirement for Security will be reviewed upon any application to renew a Licence. Provided that (a) the applicant’s credit rating has improved and is “normal” or above; and / or (b) the applicant can demonstrate that it has paid all sums due to AWS for the charges arising under the their Licence in accordance with AWS’s standard payment terms for a minimum of 12 months; then AWS shall remove the requirement for the Security, and refund any sums held by it. To the extent that the Licencee subsequently defaults on payment, or their credit rating falls below an acceptable level, then AWS shall be entitled to require the Security set out above and / or shall be entitled to terminate the Licence forthwith on notice.
  1. The Licencee shall in respect of the delivery and discharge of any Domestic Waste by it:
    1. Bear all risk and responsibility for loss or damage to its own property howsoever arising from the delivery and discharge;
    2. Without prejudice to paragraph 3(a) above, indemnify and keep AWS indemnified in respect of any loss or damage suffered by AWS, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of or in connection with any delivery and / or discharge by the Licencee provided that any liability of the Licencee to AWS shall be reduced to the extent that AWS has itself been negligent.
  2. The Licencee shall hold and maintain for the duration of the Licence, public liability insurance to a minimum value of £2 million per event and will provide evidence of such cover upon request by AWS from time to time.
  1. Charges for discharging Domestic Waste are published by AWS annually. In assessing licenced quantities, all vehicles shall be deemed to be carrying full loads unless the AWS discharge site is fitted with either a volumetric or weight based measurement system where discharges of Domestic Waste will be charged on the basis of actual volumes delivered to site (1m³ of septic waste will be assumed to equal 1 tonne).
  2. After the end of each calendar month, AWS will invoice the Licencee for all Domestic Waste disposed of at AWS sites in the previous month. All invoices are due for payment within 28 day of the date of the invoice unless otherwise agreed previously in writing with AWS. Interest at the rate of 8% per annum shall be payable in the event of late payment, and shall accrue on a daily basis until payment is made. AWS shall also be entitled to terminate the Licence in the event of non payment.
  1. AWS reserves the right to modify, vary or add to the above conditions or amend the Procedure for Discharging Domestic Waste at AWS Site(s) to meet the requirements of any new legislation, the requirements of the Environment Agency, or short term operational needs at the specific AWS site. AWS accepts no responsibility for costs incurred by the Licencee as a result of these or any other charges, including without prejudice thereto, any changes in Licence volumes. AWS also reserves the right to remove the availability of a site from this Licence (on either a permanent or temporary basis) at any time on 7 days written notice where required due to operational or regulatory reasons. Shorter notice will be given where this is an operational emergency. Where such site is removed, the Applicant / Licencee shall no longer be entitled to discharge at that site and the volume of Domestic Waste associated with that site will be deemed to be removed from the Licence.
  1. AWS shall be entitled to revoke the Licence forthwith on written notice, in the event that the applicant / Licencee fail to comply with the terms of its Licence such as but without limitation, discharging excess volumes, using incorrect discharge points, discharging waste out of hours, using unauthorised vehicles, discharging unlicensed waste material. AWS may also take legal action (both civil and criminal proceedings) against the applicant / Licencee in respect of any illegal discharge offences
  2. Where any non licenced / illegal discharge of waste is made, then a charge of £50m3 will be payable, and notwithstanding such a charge, AWS shall be entitled to revoke the Licence forthwith on written notice;
  3. Upon termination or expiry (and non renewal) of any Licence, the Licencee shall be responsible for ensuring that all site keys, weighbridge fobs, ID cards, and any other property of AWS is returned to AWS within 14 days. The Licencee shall be liable for all losses and or costs incurred by AWS arising out of or in connection with a failure by the Licencee to return such property.

I hereby make an application for a licence to discharge Domestic Waste at the Anglian Water Sites set out herein, and in the event that this application is approved, I agree to the following terms:


  1. I have received, read and understood and (where a Licence is granted) shall comply with the Procedure for Discharging Domestic Waste at AWS Sites(s) (version 5, July 2016)
  2. I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this application form to the extent that a Licence is granted by Anglian Water following submission of this application.
  3. The details provided in this application are correct to the best of my knowledge.
  4. I understand that on receipt of my application Anglian Water will carry out a credit check prior to issuing a License.
Confirmation check

Thank you for completing your application for the discharge of domestic waste to our works.