This page is intended as a guide for those seeking:

·       a new water supply connection to feed an industrial process; and/or

·       a new sewerage connection to deal with effluent produced as part of an industrial



Within this page, we refer to these connection as “non-domestic connections” and the actual premises as either “household” or “non‑household”.  This is because there are many offices and commercial premises that are non-domestic in the sense that they are not household premises, but have connections for domestic purposes, i.e. for supplying water for drinking and washing and for draining sanitary appliances like toilets and sinks.  


The information given here is advisory only and if there is any conflict or differences between them and any of Anglian Water’s suite of wholesale charging documents, the latter prevail.


Funding for the provision of non-domestic connections differs from the funding arrangements for the provision of connections for domestic purposes, whether to household premises or non-household premises. The main difference is, all upgrades to the water supply network, sewerage network, water recycling centre (WRC) and/or water treatment works (WTW) that are required as a result of non-domestic connections are funded by the customer seeking them; but for domestic connections, network upgrade costs are averaged into an infrastructure charge, and WRC and WTW upgrade costs are borne by the water company.  The reason for the discrepancy is partly to do with rules set by the regulator that govern Anglian Water and partly due with accommodating the much greater diversity in the nature of non-domestic connections in a way that is fair.


Applicants for non-domestic connections should be clear that Anglian Water has various means at its disposal to temporarily prevent non-domestic connections until suitable mitigation, whether it be to the network, WRC and/or WTW, is complete.  Generally, we are able to deliver water or sewerage network upgrades in 18-24 months; however, the provision of a new WTW/WRC or the extension of an existing WTW/WRC can take in excess of 3 years and may require guidance and/or permits from the Environment Agency (EA) and in some cases Internal Drainage Boards and the Lead Local Flood Authority.


We have put together some detailed information below: