In 2001 we set up and funded Rivercare and Beachcare in partnership with Keep Britain tidy. Together we develop and support community led volunteer groups to take ownership of their waterways. Protecting, enhancing and conserving our valuable water habitats for the future​.

What’s involved​
Each community group cares for a stretch of coastline or watercourse to maintain the environment and protect wildlife. We support the volunteers by providing equipment, training, insurance, help and advice.

Removing Litter​
Two million pieces of litter are dropped in the UK every day, which costs one billion of taxpayer's money to clear up.  Not only is litter unsightly, but it can cause a real hazard to wildlife. 

​Clearing rubbish from rivers and beaches not only enhances water quality, but it can also help tackle the issue of plastics in our rivers and seas. Especially the big 4 which cause immeasurable damage to our environment.​

Spotting and reporting a pollution​
With 50 groups active across the region, our volunteers act as a valuable river and beach guardian helping us keep the rivers and beaches clean by reporting pollutions.  If the problem is ours, we’ll fix it, and if not, we’ll help find the cause by working with others who care for the environment too.​

Surveying, preservation and enhancing biodiversity​
Some of our groups get involved with conservation work, removing invasive species, pulling Himalayan Balsam and raking floating pennywort as where you find water you often find huge diversity of species.


Our common goal is to improve the rivers and seas across the region. F​or more information and to get involved, visit RiverCare and BeachCare.


A RiverCare volunteer describing the benefits of being a part of the programme.

A real sense of camaraderie (and) a sense of satisfaction at seeing improvements to the river. I have learnt a lot about the environment, gained confidence in what I can contribute and achieve, and I have learnt a lot about teamwork. It has altogether been a very worthwhile experience for me.